MFXStream Tutorial

Table of content

1. MFXStream


5. Users

2. Add share


5.1 Add user

2.1 Change name of share


5.2 User added

2.2 Add share finished


5.3 Edit user

3. Add mountpoint


6. Trusted hosts

3.1 Change name of mountpoint


6.1 Add trusted host

3.2 Type path for mounpoint


6.2 Trusted host added

3.3 Browse path for mountpoint


6.3 Edit trusted host

3.4 Add mountpoint finished


7. Settings

4. Service / Server


4.1 Start server


4.2 Stop server


4.3 Install as service

4.4 Start/Stop Service

4.5 Uninstall Service

1. MFXStream »

This is what it looks like when you start the program for the first time.

2. Add share »

Click Add Share in Edit menu.
A new share will appear named 'New Share'.

2.1 Change name of share »

Change name of the share in the textbox labeled 'Name:'

Chose a XBMC Bookmark type in the dropdownlist labeled 'XBMC:'.

Check the checkbox labeled 'Merge mountpoints:' if you want folders in this share to be merged when viewing it in XBMC.

If you have set the property 'MergeMountPointDefault' to True then the checkbox labeled 'Merge mountpoints:' will be checked automaticaly.

2.2 Add share finished »

You might have to change focus to another item in the treeview fore changes to take effect.

3. Add mountpoint »

Click Add Mountpoint in Edit menu.
A new mountpoint will appear named 'New MountPoint'.

Drag and drop:
Drag foler(s) from 'Windows Explorer'. If you drop them on a share they will appear after existing mounpoint. If you drop them on a mountpoint thew will appear after that mountpoint.

3.1 Change name of mountpoint »

Change name of the mountpoint in the textbox labeled 'Name:'

Check the checkbox labeled 'Show subfolders:' if you want subfolders in this mountpoint to appear when viewing it in XBMC.

If you have set the property 'ShowSubFoldersDefault' to True then the checkbox labeled 'Show subfolders:' will be checked automaticaly.

3.2 Type path for mounpoint »

In the textbox labeled 'Path:' type full path to folder you want to share.

3.3 Browse path for mountpoint »

Click Browse ... button to browse for a path and choose a folder.

3.4 Add mountpoint finished »

If you click Save in File menu share file will be saved and you can start server/service.

When the share file is saved the server or service refreshes.

If a file is created, deleted or renamed in on of the shared folders or subfolders the server or service refreshes.

4. Service/Server »

4.1 Start Server »

Click Start MFXStream Server in Server menu to start the server, the stream server runs in the program process.

4.2 Stop Server »

Click Stop MFXStream Server in Server menu to stop the server.

4.3 Install as Service »

Click Install MFXStream Service in Server menu to install the stream server as a Windows service, with startup set to 'Automatic'.

4.4 Start/Stop service »

Now instead of starting the server, you can start and stop service from the same menu item.

4.5 Uninstall Service »

Click Uninstall MFXStream Service in Server menu to uninstall the stream server Windows service

5. Users »

Click Users ... in Edit menu and the User and trusted host dialog will appear.

5.1 Add user »

Type a username in the textbox labeled 'Username:', if you want a description of the user type it in the textbox labeled 'Description:' and if you want a password type it in the textbox labeled 'Password:' and confirm the password in the texbox labeled 'Confirm password:'
Click Add button under the userlist to save user.

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All passwords are stored in the settings file encrypted, but the key is also stored in the settings file. So itīs possible to decrypt them without the program. But at least passwords are not stored in clear text.

5.2 User added »

Now you have a user.

5.3 Edit user »

Select a user in the list if you want to change description or password or if you want to delete it.
If you made changes to a user you have to click Save button under the userlist to save user

6. Trusted hosts »

Click Users ... in Edit menu and the User and trusted host dialog will appear.

6.1 Add trusted host »

Type an IPAddress or a DNS in the textbox under the trustlist
Click Add button on the right of the textbox to save trusted host.

6.2 Trusted host added »

Now you have a host you trust that doesnīt nead a user to access the server.

6.3 Edit trusted host »

Select a trusted host in the list if you want to change it or delete it.
Click Save button on the right of the textbox to save trusted host.

7. Settings »

MFXStream Client

MergeMountPointDefault If MergeMountPointDefault is set to True when a new share is added the checkbox labeled 'Merge mountpoints:' will be automaticaly checked.
ShowSubFoldersDefault If ShowSubFoldersDefault is set to True when a new mountpoint is added the checkbox labeled 'Show subfolders:' will be automaticaly checked.
StartServer If StartServer is set to True the Server is started automaticaly when the program is started, this setting has no effect if the server is installed as a Windows Service.

MFXStream Loging

LogFileName The name or fullpath of the file to apply messages to, if it is just a name it will be saved in the same folder as the program.
LogLevel The level of messages to logfile, ranges from 'NoLoging' to 'DebugLevel2'.

MFXStream Server

Authenication If Authenication is set to True only clients that are on the Trusted host list or can supply a correct username and password will be granted access.
ClientBufferSize The receiving buffer size for each concurrent client in bytes.
MaxClientConnections Number of concurrent client connections to server, default is 10.
PortNumber The server portnumber, default is 1400.
ServerIPAddress IPAddress for server, 'Default' is the first IPAddress in the computers IPAddress-list.
SharesFilePath The name or fullpath of the file where the shares are saved, if it is just a name it will be saved in the same folder as the program.


Media File XStream Tutorial
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